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Ako Tahi: May 2018

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A2's Line Art

A2's Line Art 

We have been learning how to draw lines.  This includes vertical, diagonal and horizontal lines.  Can you see these lines in our art?

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Botanical Gardens Trip

Our trip to the Auckland Botanical Gardens

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Self Portraits

Self Portraits

These are the self-portraits that the students completed in term one 2018.  The background is a marbling effect with shaving cream and paint. 
After the marbling had dried, they painted their face. When this too had dried we used a variety of equipment to stamp their facial features and hair.  
Following this, the children painted their neck.   when the stamping had been completed and was dried we attached the origami shirt.   

Hot Cross Buns

This video occurred as a result of my class of 5-year-olds working with my adult learners cooking class.  Due to the Easter Holidays just around the corner for the students I decided to join the two classes and have some fun. What a great way to end a term and start the holidays. 

If you are a parent at Finlayson Park School and this cooking class interests you please inquire at the school office.